To Vlog Or Not To Vlog………..That Is The Question.

I have my best ideas on waking. I seem to get flashes of inspiration between the nether world that is neither slumber or wakefulness. You might even call them Eureka! moments…………. My husband hates them, as I usually want to discuss them with him immediately. This usually involves waking him up. It never goes down…

I’ve Moved House!

I have finally worked out how to migrate my blog to its new URL. So, please if you find yourself on this page, do take a look here to find what’s happening to me, my life and my writing!

I Want To Write A Diary.

Like lots of things, I have ruminated on writing a diary. for a long time. Around 40 years by my last calculation. As a young teen, I kept one that was red that had a key , but it lasted a matter of weeks. I lost the key, and had to slice the piece of…

The Hay Festival.

As with my first expericence at Hay, none of the speakers entered into the exclusive conversations I dread, but more opened up the book that is their life, sharing some of their secrets from the pages, and baring their imperfections as well as their triumphs.

Aga off – Sunshine On!

I love my Aga – everyone knows that. It’s an undeniable fact. It is at the heart of my kitchen and warms the house gently in the colder months here in France. However, there comes a time of year when it starts to take on a furnace like quality and overheats both the kitchen and…

The Woman Writer.

PROOF-LOW-RES-WW-Issue 73-April-14_Print Ready-1 I am known for my eleventh hour behaviours. No surprises then that I have finally submitted my “New Member Profile” to the Woman Writer, the journal for the Society of Women Writers and Journalists. Not bad going, even for me – a full 12 months after joining! Anyway its tucked away on…

April Fools Day – Poisson D’Avril

I am not entirely sure of the reason the French call April Fools Day Poisson d’Avril. I do now feel a stronger affinity with it given my surname, and seeing this mighty beast of a fish recently caught at our local Pescalis in Moncoutant, it made me remember one particular sting I was caught with…

Clarissa Dickson Wright

I was very sad to learn that Clarissa Dickson Wright has died. She was one of my all time favourite celebrity cooks, and I was fortunate enough to meet and interview her a few years ago. She was about to bring out her one pot cook book called Potty, and we spent and hour or…

A Diiferent Way To Start The Day.

In the UK, I’d always had trouble getting my husband to go to the supermarket with me. A man of guile and means, he was quick to garner a stock of plausible excuses to fend off my weekly requests for him to join me. I used to tough it out alone, and the best ever…